© Blaffert & Wamhof and
VG Bild-Kunst, 2003 - 2022


"I completely sympathize with your negative views", 2008
1-channel videoprojection, 07:13 min, stereo, PAL, 4:3
(click thumbnail for watching a short part of 30 sec.)

Variational to the others for this video we did the recording during daylight hours and with different camera settings. All videos got the sound out of feature films, cut or alienated if necessary. The sound for this piece is "Atmosphere" by Ernest Bour from Stanley Kubricks "2001 : A Space Odyssey",1968, slightly alienated.

Für dieses Video haben wir erstmalig Aufnahmen bei Tageslicht und mit wechselnden Einstellungen gemacht. Bei allen Videos dieser Serie stammt der Sound, ungeschnitten oder verfremdet, von Spielfilmen. Zu diesem Video ein Fragment aus dem Stück "Atmosphere" von Ernest Bour aus Stanley Kubricks "2001 : A Space Odyssey" aus dem Jahr 1968.

Camera, editing and soundmix: Blaffert&Wamhof
with support of ZKM | Institut for Visual Media at the Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Equipment required: DVD player (screen version, recommended) video projector, 2 speakers, or (monitor version) monitor, and 2 speakers or headphone.